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  • Basturkmen, Helen. (2012). Languages for specific purposes curriculum creation and implementation in Australasia and Europe. The Modern Language Journal, 96(Supplement 1), 59-70.
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  • Fryer, T. Bruce. (2012). Languages for specific purposes business curriculum creation and implementation in the United States. The Modern Language Journal, 96(Supplement 1), 122-139.
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  • Grosse, Christine Uber, & Voght, Geoffrey M. (2012). The continuing evolution of languages for specific purposes. The Modern Language Journal, 96(Supplement 1), 190-202.
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  • Lear, Darcy. (2012). Languages for specific purposes curriculum creation and implementation in service to the U.S. community. The Modern Language Journal, 96(Supplement 1), 158-172.
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  • Long, Mary K., & Uscinski, Izabela. (2012). Evolution of languages for specific purposes programs in the United States: 1990-2011. The Modern Language Journal, 96(Supplement 1), 173-189.
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  • Spring, Madeline K. (2012). Languages for specific purposes curriculum in the context of Chinese-language flagship programs. The Modern Language Journal, 96(Supplement 1), 140-157.
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  • Vijay, K. B., & Stephen, B. (2012). English for business communication. Language Teaching, 45(4), 410-445.
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  • Cutting, J. (2012). English for airport ground staff. English for Specific Purposes, 31, 3-13.
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  • Lockwood, J. (2012). Developing an English for specific purpose curriculum for Asian call centres: How theory can inform practice. English for Specific Purposes, 31, 14-24.
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  • Yilmaz, S., & Akcan, S. (2012). Implementing the European language portfolio in a Turkish context. ELT Journal, 66(2), 166-174.
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  • Wharton, S. (2011). Critical text analysis: Linking language and cultural studies. ELT Journal, 65(3), 221-229.
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  • Evans, S., & Morrison, B. (2011). The first term at university: Implications for EAP. ELT Journal, 65(4), 387-397.
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  • Tirvassen, R. (2011). Curriculum and language needs in the area of multilingual education. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 67(3), 287-300.
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  • Butler, Y. G. (2011). The implementation of communicative and task-based language teaching in the Asia-Pacific region. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 31(0), 36-57.
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  • Paesani, K. (2011). Research in language-literature instruction: Meeting the call for change. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 31(0), 161-181.
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  • Macalister, J. (2012). Narrative frames and needs analysis. System, 40(1), 120-128.
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